Optimizing & Marketing Your Pharmacy's Clinical Services

Michelle-B (1)

Michelle Barney
Clinical Pharmacist, Product & Marketing


Justin Whitener
Digital Services Manager

Ready to ignite revenue growth from your clinical services? 

Watch this insightful discussion and learn how to bolster your clinical services to enhance your patients’ experience — and boost your bottom line. We share tips on how to improve your workflows so you can spend less time on routine tasks and more time providing personalized patient care to your community. In addition, we dive into marketing strategies to help you promote the unique offerings that set your pharmacy apart from the competition.

Watch now for tips on: 

  • Creating efficient workflows leveraging industry best practices and technology
  • Optimizing appointment scheduling to save your patients and your team time
  • Establishing a marketing plan that aligns with your goals for your clinical services
  • Promoting your services through bulk messaging, organic social media posts, display ads, print marketing, and more!